QCD Phase Diagram According to the Center Group

Ydalia Delgado Mercado, Hans Gerd Evertz, Christof Gattringer
2011 Physical Review Letters  
We study an effective theory for QCD at finite temperature and density which contains the leading center symmetric and center symmetry breaking terms. The effective theory is studied in a flux representation where the complex phase problem is absent and the model becomes accessible to Monte Carlo techniques also at finite chemical potential. We simulate the system using a generalized Prokof'ev-Svistunov worm algorithm and compare the results to a low temperature expansion. The phase diagram is
more » ... etermined as a function of temperature, chemical potential and quark mass. Shape and quark mass dependence of the phase boundaries are as expected for QCD. The transition into the deconfined phase is smooth throughout, without any discontinuities or critical points.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.106.222001 pmid:21702594 fatcat:xzq4o7k35zf4lnqagnv6r3j6ou