Comparative Analysis of Equal and Unequal Grounding Grid Configurations by Compression Ratio and Least Square Curve Fitting Techniques

M. Soni, Abraham George
2023 Energy Engineering  
The primary aim of the power system grounding is to safeguard the person and satisfying the performance of the power system to maintain reliable operation. With equal conductor spacing grounding grid design, the distribution of the current in the grid is not uniform. Hence, unequal grid conductor span in which grid conductors are concentrated more at the periphery is safer to practice than equal spacing. This paper presents the comparative analysis of two novel techniques that create unequal
more » ... cing among the grid conductors: the least-square curve fitting technique and the compression ratio technique with equal grid configuration for both square and rectangular grids. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is adopted for finding out one optimal feasible solution among many feasible solutions of equal grid configuration for both square and rectangular grids. Comparative analysis is also carried out between square and rectangular grids using the least square curve fitting technique as it results in only one unequal grid configuration. Simulation results are obtained by the MATLAB software developed. Percentage of improvement in ground potential rise, step voltage, touch voltage, and grid resistance with variation in compression ratios are plotted.
doi:10.32604/ee.2023.021301 fatcat:gqw2y7uiffewtl7ylxz6efrqom