Andrian Wibowo
2021 JIEM (Journal of Islamic Education Management)  
The curriculum is one of the elements in the education system for determining the main activities in an educational institution. Pesantren is an educational institution, which created the learners to have a noble character and personality. That means, the curriculum in pesantren should be managed properly for presenting a superior education. This study aims to know how the planning, organizing, actuating, and evaluating of curriculum implementation in developing learners' nobel character at
more » ... ntren Al-Ikhlash Kanggraksan. The methodology of this study is a descriptive case study with observation, interview, and documentation as data collection techniques. The data analysis of this study is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The result of this study is curriculum planning in developing learners' nobel character at pesantren Al-Ikhlash Kanggraksan which includes activities of determining goals, determining the learning process, and determining learning materials. The learning management includes activities for managing learning materials, managing teachers, and managing time and schedules for teaching and learning activities. On the implementation, it educated learners to have good values in creating the character of the personality on their selves, such as ta'dzim, brotherhood, compassion, independence, and also exemplary through the methods of dirasah watta'lim, ta'dib, riyadhah and uswah hasanah. The evaluation of this implementation is the evaluation of test and non-test forms and indirectly it used the CIPP evaluation model (context, input, process, and product).
doi:10.24235/jiem.v5i2.9204 fatcat:g3j4r7ds2vdbhblndftd6weobu