Resolving rainbows with superimposed diffraction oscillations in NO + rare gas scattering: experiment and theory

Jolijn Onvlee, Sjoerd N Vogels, Ad van der Avoird, Gerrit C Groenenboom, Sebastiaan Y T van de Meerakker
2015 New Journal of Physics  
A Stark decelerator is used in combination with velocity map imaging to study collisions of NO radicals with rare gas atoms in a counterpropagating crossed beam geometry. This powerful combination of techniques results in scattering images with extremely high resolution, in which rotational and L-type rainbows with superimposed quantum mechanical diffraction oscillations are visible. The experimental data are in excellent agreement with quantum mechanical scattering calculations. Furthermore,
more » ... rd-shell models and a partial wave analysis are used to clarify the origin of the various structures that are visible. A specific feature is found for NO molecules colliding with Ar atoms that is extremely sensitive to the precise shape of the potential energy surface. Its origin is explained in terms of interfering partial waves with very high angular momentum, corresponding to trajectories with large impact parameters. 2 1 2 ) radicals and the rare gas (Rg) atoms He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe. Scattering images with the highest resolution presently possible are obtained by combining the Stark deceleration, VMI, and
doi:10.1088/1367-2630/17/5/055019 fatcat:3quqegak5rhbhpr5fnn44tsdlu