Robust adaptive segmentation of range images

Kil-Moo Lee, P. Meer, Rae-Hong Park
1998 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
We propose a novel image segmentation technique using the robust, adaptive least kth order squares (ALKS) estimator which minimizes the kth order statistics of the squared of residuals. The optimal value of k is determined from the data, and the procedure detects the homogeneous surface patch representing the relative majority of the pixels. The ALKS shows a better tolerance to structured outliers than other recently proposed similar techniques: Minimize the Probability of Randomness (MINPRAN)
more » ... nd Residual Consensus (RESC). The performance of the new, fully autonomous, range image segmentation algorithm is compared to several other methods. Index Terms-Robust methods, least kth order squares, range image segmentation, surface fitting, autonomous image analysis. --------3 --------0162-8828/98/$10.00 © 1998 IEEE ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ • K.-M. Lee was with the
doi:10.1109/34.659940 fatcat:fnb3hl4tlrdwhkelupdvymmqe4