2P-079 Influences of the disulfide bond of the starch-binding domain of glucoamylase on the protein stability and refolding(The 46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
2P-079 グルコアミラーゼのデンプン結合ドメインの安定性とリフォールディング過程に対するジスルフィド結合の効果(蛋白質・物性(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)

Hayuki Sugimoto, Miho Nakaura, Shigenori Nishimura, Shuichi Karita, Hideo Miyake, Akiyoshi Tanaka
2008 Seibutsu Butsuri  
TheBiophysical Society of Japan General IncorporatedAssociation biochLmlLal ds "ell as imrnuneLhennical expLnmLnts stmctural thanges ofSOD1 that occur upon its fibrillar aggregation wil1 be discussed <1) Furukdwa Y et al T Biol ('hem 20e8 m prLbts off path"ay one migfoldea state that has Lo undergo untoldmg on itg "a> to the natise state The digu]fide bond tn the "ild type protem is tikely to iixpede migtoldmg 2P-077 J!tSigetijkXefiOesasgLstasmsfi HLatCapacrtyandconieTma"onotsmallpreteins
more » ... nFsun"vaa) H:tomi Kitazatofl) and Llasopuki insa(l 2N Grathiate schoot of Cbmputer Scienee tmti lystemy Engiaecnng dyushuinstlnik of Jkchnology2 Deparnnent ef Rlos"Lnce and Blojpt]rma"=v Fkreuiij of Computersticnce and "stems Engineenng K)tishulhitituteof7lechnologymya@hiokyukchacm
doi:10.2142/biophys.48.s87_3 fatcat:q5batwp24rbyhpmbvxjxjacaqi