Interactive multi-object tracking for virtual object manipulation

Y. Guo, M. Ying Yang, B. Rosenhahn
2013 ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
We present an interactive system to manipulate a virtual object by tracking multiple hands in 3D space using a Kinect device. The system segments hand shapes from a captured 3D scene by using depth information and active contours. A hand shape is recognized by a trained naive Bayes classifier, whether it belongs to a palm, a pointing hand form or both hands with simple occlusion. A plane is approximated by using RANSAC for a palm hand form, while a vector from the hand centroid to the fingertip
more » ... is obtained for a pointing hand form by using ICP as tracking method. A shape of simple occluded two hands is split into a palm and an incomplete pointing hand form, whose missing data is estimated by using PCA. The system works in semi-real time.
doi:10.5194/isprsannals-ii-3-w2-19-2013 fatcat:w2o7lzvkufgh5m2bke3klwabym