Types of Exercises in Primary School History Textbooks

Ondřej Šimik
2019 Konteksty pedagogiczne  
The article deals with an analysis of grade 4 and 5 textbook exercises related to the topic of People and Time according to their type. We categorize the method of content analysis (the type of learning exercise was the specific transformation) and compare the types of learning exercises in the textbooks issued by six publishers. A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy is used for categorizing the learning exercises. The research sample consists of 2101 learning exercises related to history lessons. The
more » ... results show that the majority of the exercises are related to memory (over 50% of all exercises). Conversely, learning exercises of a higher cognitive difficulty (creative, analytical, or synthetic) only appear sporadically in the textbooks. This trend is similar for the textbooks of all the researched publishers.
doi:10.19265/kp.2019.112177 doaj:a3da554d36bd4d88b356e35c5d2138b4 fatcat:y3t3eyb3yfanppbeb7s2dsr27m