Acanthohaustorius uncinus, a New Species of Sand-Burrowing Amphipod from the Northern Gulf of Mexico, with Notes on its Ecology (Haustoriidae: Haustoriinae)

John M. Foster
1989 Gulf Research Reports  
A new species of sand-burrowing amphipod, Acanthohaustorius uncinus, is described from vegetated and unvcgetated estuarine sands from St. Andrew Bay, Florida and East Ship Island, Mississippi. The genus Acanthohaustorius has been informally recorded from St. Andrew Bay, but this species is now formally descrikd from the Gulf of Mexico. A. uncinus n. sp. is most similar to A. m i l k of the Open American Atlantic coast. It differs from A. miZZsi in the presence of a dorsally directed, hooked
more » ... e on the peduncle of uropod 1 and the totally cleft telson lobes. Information on the ecology of A. uncinus n. sp. in St. Andrew Bay is provided, along with a revised key to the known species of Acanthohaustorius and a brief review of haustoriid studies in the Gulf of Mexico.
doi:10.18785/grr.0802.10 fatcat:2o6vnjyelvac7naqewbann6vfu