BER-driven synthesis for directional modulation secured wireless communication

Yuan Ding, Vincent Fusco
2013 International journal of microwave and wireless technologies  
research paper BER-driven synthesis for directional modulation secured wireless communication yuan ding and vincent fusco Directional modulation (DM) is a recently introduced technique for secure wireless transmission using direct physical layer wave-front manipulation. This paper provides a bit error rate (BER)-based DM array synthesis method. It is shown for the first time that the standard constellation mappings in In-phase and Quadrature (IQ) space to a pre-specified BER can be exactly
more » ... ved along a given specified spatial direction. Different receiver capabilities are investigated and different assessment metrics for each case are discussed. The approach is validated for a 1 × 4 element dipole array operating at 1 GHz.
doi:10.1017/s1759078713000913 fatcat:u54wxuhfqzd6bn4ailwdrjwcyy