Evaluation of agro-morphological traits related to grain yield of Iranian wheat genotypes in drought-stress and normal irrigation conditions

Sayedeh Saba Bilgrami, Barat Ali Fakheri, Vahid Shariati J., Khadijeh Razavi, Nafiseh Mahdinezhad, Elahe Tavakol, Hadi Darzi Ramandi, Mostafa Ghaderian
2018 Australian Journal of Crop Science  
In order to evaluate several agro-morphological traits in 30 bread wheat genotypes, an experiment, based on randomized complete block design with three replications, was carried out under drought-stress and normal irrigation conditions in two locations. The traits, including grain yield, biological yield, harvest index, spike features, and peduncle characters were evaluated. The result of the combined ANOVA revealed that location and genotype effects were significant for all of the traits.
more » ... s had a significant difference for all of the traits, except for spike density and spikelet per spike. The simple correlation results for each condition were significantly different, indicating that the relationships among traits were significantly influenced by drought stress and location. Factor analysis, based on principal component analysis and varimax rotation in the Shahed field under irrigation regimes showed that four significant factors accounted for about 78.2% and 77.7% of the total variation among characters for normal irrigation and drought stress conditions, respectively. The cumulative variation at the NIGEB field was 62.7% for four factors under normal irrigation, and 84.8% for five factors under drought stress conditions. With respect to the achieved results, characters such as plant height, peduncle length, spike density, 1000-grain weight, harvest index, and biological yield had the highest communality and, consequently, provide a high relative contribution to wheat grain yield, and can be used as selective criteria in bread wheat breeding programs.
doi:10.21475/ajcs.18.12.05.pne878 fatcat:7kyypipjwvahxostaxvh2atlme