Odhise KOCA, Anis SULEJMANI, Drakuli LUMI
2020 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET)  
Mechanical transmissions, which are formed by links and joints, during constructive calculations, require kinematic and dynamic characteristics. The kinematics tasks of the material's point, where the transmission links are formed, are selected as below: 1. -where the material point is found, which means, its coordinate r , 2. -what is the material point doing, which means, its velocity v, 3. -what will the material point do, which means, its acceleration a. Joints and transmissions can be
more » ... er pairs, and their calculations of the kinematic characteristics becomes more difficult. Therefore, it should be used the Coriolis method with the concept of relative and carrier motion. The transition from high to low pairs, which does not use the Coriolis method in simple calculation, must be performed according to a dictionary equivalence to enter the three kinematic parameters that are mentioned above.
doi:10.34218/ijmet.11.9.2020.006 fatcat:475hcat6vje4nnnugf3ep63j7y