The fabrication of photonic band gap materials with a two-dimensional defect

Yuxia Zhao, Kurt Wostyn, Gaetan de Schaetzen, Koen Clays, Louis Hellemans, Andre Persoons, Marta Szekeres, Robert A. Schoonheydt
2003 Applied Physics Letters  
Colloidal crystals with three-dimensional periodicities in the refractive index have a photonic band gap ͑PBG͒ in which electromagnetic waves are forbidden. We present a method to fabricate stacked colloidal crystals containing a two-dimensional defect as a middle layer by combining vertical deposition method with the Langmuir-Blodgett ͑LB͒ technique. The defect layer introduces an impurity mode within the optical stop band, which is observed as a defect peak ͑pass band͒ in the optical density
more » ... pectrum. The result shows that the combination of vertical deposition with LB technique provides a way for introducing defect modes in PBG materials.
doi:10.1063/1.1578713 fatcat:nv7gcia6arddpdtmpiwndkokom