Cavity-Backed Proximity-Coupled Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna With Agile Polarizations and Steerable Beams

Shu-Lin Chen, Pei-Yuan Qin, Can Ding, Y. Jay Guo
2017 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation  
A major challenge for a combined reconfigurable antenna is to realize both polarization switching and beam steering independently in a compact antenna structure. A cavitybacked proximity-coupled reconfigurable microstrip antenna proposed in this communication provides an efficient solution. Beam lead PIN diodes DSM8100-000 are employed as switching elements to achieve the reconfiguration. Three different linear polarizations (0 • , 45 • , 90 • ) are realized by switching the diodes on a
more » ... y-coupled feed network. For each polarization state, the main beam can be steered to three directions by using a reconfigurable parasitic-element network. The parasiticelement network is printed on the same plane of the radiating patch, thereby making the antenna compact. This antenna has 9 different working modes and for all the working modes, the reflection coefficients are below −10 dB with the measured realized gains ranging from 7.2-8.1 dBi. Index Terms-Reconfigurable antennas, polarization and pattern reconfigurable antennas, proximity-coupled antennas, beam steering, microstrip antennas.
doi:10.1109/tap.2017.2735484 fatcat:njlijumnhzabhnguyctytur46y