Authentication and Integrity for Outsourced Enterprise Authentication and Integrity for Outsourced Enterprise Authentication and Integrity for Outsourced Enterprise Authentication and Integrity for Outsourced Enterprise Storage E Storage E Storage E Storage Environments nvironments nvironments nvironments

Ch Sravan Kumar, Srinivas Kolli, Dr Reddy
2014 IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network   unpublished
In data publishing cloud computing is going to be play a vital role. Cloud storage offers the users to store their data on cloud in cloud computing to reduce the online burden and maintenance. The user physically deletes the data from his local storage after outsourcing the data to the cloud so providing security for outsourced data is considered as an important task. So this paper proposes privacy preserving and public auditing for secure storage. In this technique the users delegates their
more » ... k to third party auditors (TPA) to check the integrity of the out sourced data when needed is called auditing process so that the users do not worry about their data possession and the data towards TPA should be protected using some encryption mechanisms to provide privacy. Efficient and secure access for large amount of data stored in cloud server an important task. for efficient access of large amount of outsourced data they proposes to encrypt every block with different encryption keys, they uses key derivation methods to reduce the no of keys used. In this paper they also proposes lazy revocation and over encryption where revoked users cannot access the updated information from the cloud server.