An Intelligent Metaheuristic Binary Pigeon Optimization-Based Feature Selection and Big Data Classification in a MapReduce Environment

Felwa Abukhodair, Wafaa Alsaggaf, Amani Tariq Jamal, Sayed Abdel-Khalek, Romany F. Mansour
2021 Mathematics  
Big Data are highly effective for systematically extracting and analyzing massive data. It can be useful to manage data proficiently over the conventional data handling approaches. Recently, several schemes have been developed for handling big datasets with several features. At the same time, feature selection (FS) methodologies intend to eliminate repetitive, noisy, and unwanted features that degrade the classifier results. Since conventional methods have failed to attain scalability under
more » ... ive data, the design of new Big Data classification models is essential. In this aspect, this study focuses on the design of metaheuristic optimization based on big data classification in a MapReduce (MOBDC-MR) environment. The MOBDC-MR technique aims to choose optimal features and effectively classify big data. In addition, the MOBDC-MR technique involves the design of a binary pigeon optimization algorithm (BPOA)-based FS technique to reduce the complexity and increase the accuracy. Beetle antenna search (BAS) with long short-term memory (LSTM) model is employed for big data classification. The presented MOBDC-MR technique has been realized on Hadoop with the MapReduce programming model. The effective performance of the MOBDC-MR technique was validated using a benchmark dataset and the results were investigated under several measures. The MOBDC-MR technique demonstrated promising performance over the other existing techniques under different dimensions.
doi:10.3390/math9202627 fatcat:i37jtdz4jnfjbighiaqjczoxs4