Enterprise strength security on a JXTA P2P network
B. Yeager
Proceedings Third International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2003)
When one begins to think about security and P2P networks, and in particular, ad-hoc P2P networks with no real centralization, one must take a leap from the accepted, in place, on-the-Internet, security practices into the unknown. There are potentially billions of peer nodes, some related, and some not, all possibly vulnerable to attack in a multitude of ways: Impersonation attacks and thus identity theft by unauthorized or falsely authorized parties; Invasion of privacy and all that that
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... with it; Loss of data integrity; And repudiation of previous transactions, "Hey, no way, I did not say that!" We imagine the equivalent of anti-matter, a complete negation of the fundamental principles of security, or the anti-secure net. Those among us with a strong interest in the secure net, and making P2P not only an accepted but preferred way of both doing business in the Enterprise as well as protecting the personal privacy of the innocent users of P2P software require a toolbox with sockets, and a socket wrench that is capable of applying the torque that is appropriate to each scenario we wish to secure. It is easy enough for each peer node to be its own certificate authority, create its own root and service certificates, distribute the root certificate out-of-band or in some cases in-band, different sockets for different scenarios, and then use transport layer security to insure two way authorization and privacy. Then again, one cannot help think about Philip Zimmermann, PGP, and "webs-of-trust." This is surely another socket that can be used by small communities of peers to assure that the public keys that they distribute can be trusted with some degree of certainty based on the reputation of the signers. If we imagine small groups of peers on a purely ad-hoc P2P network, for example, a family, then either mom or dad might be the certificate authority, place their root certificate on each family member's system by infra-red, eyeball-to-eyeball communication, and yes, if a certificate is signed by the CA, you trust it or else. One more socket for our toolbox. Finally, without actually using a recognized CA, one can apply even more torque to tighten the security on a P2P network. Select one or more well protected and trusted systems, and give to them certificate-granting authority. These systems are unlike standard CA's in the sense that they are peers in the P2P Network, albeit, special peers. Each peer using these CA's boots with the appropriate root certificates, and acquires a root certificate from one of the CA's using a Certificate Signing Request. Furthermore, to acquire a certificate the peer must be authorized perhaps by using an LDAP directory with a recognized protected password. Here, the CA can also use a secure connection to a corporate LDAP service to authorize requesting peers. In the end, each of the above scenarios, each socket in our mythical toolbox, is a not so mythical. This is how Project JXTA approaches security, and what we will discuss in this keynote presentation.