The ± 45° correlation interferometer as a means to measure phase noise of parametric origin

E. Rubiola, V. Giordano, H. Stoll
2003 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement  
A radiofrequency interferometic detector is combined with the correlation-and-averaging technique in a new scheme for the measurement of the phase noise of a component. The method relies upon the assumption that the phase noise of the component being tested (DUT) exceeds the amplitude noise, which is consistent with the general experience in the field of wireless engineering. The new scheme is based on the amplification of the DUT noise sidebands and on the simultaneous measurement of the
more » ... ied noise by means of two mixers driven in quadrature, 45 off the carrier phase. The 45 detection has two relevant properties, namely 1) the sensitivity is neither limited by the thermal energy 0 , nor by temperature uniformity, and 2) the noise of the measurement amplifier is rejected, despite a single amplifier being shared by the two channels of the correlator. The article provides the theoretical background and experimental results. The sensitivity of the first 100-MHz prototype, given in terms of the ( ) floor, is some 12 dB below 0 , where 0 is the carrier power. Using a dual carrier suppression scheme, the residual flicker is as low as 168 dBrad 2 /Hz at = 1 Hz off the carrier.
doi:10.1109/tim.2003.809472 fatcat:2yrpmycprzar7khaskinlhvtry