Project Management for Farm Production

Alejandro Fuentes-Penna, Jorge A. Ruiz-Vanoye, Ocotlán Díaz-Parra
2017 International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics  
This paper aims at being a guide to understand the Farm Production Management (FPM) implementing a new paradigm based on CPLEX method with Project Scheduling Problem (PSP) as an integration of Artificial Intelligence with Project Management. In this proposal we design a mathematical model to represent FPM and the objective function oriented to minimize the resources. In this paper we propose the simulation with random data where the parameters are classified as: crop, land, labor, and water.
more » ... declared variables are Amount Planted, Permanent Labor Hired, Temporary Labor Hired, Sales and Fraction Consumed. Restrictions: Land limitations, Labor requirements, Water Requirements and Family Consumptions.
dblp:journals/ijcopi/Fuentes-PennaRD17 fatcat:7wlvfh6gcvgvxk5xdm7c3twtwu