Analysis on the Likelihood of Axisymmetric Wave Propagation in Buried Water Pipes
지하매설 배관의 축대칭 파동 전파 가능성 해석

Kyung-Jo Park
2013 Journal of the Korea Society For Power System Engineering  
Abstract:A study of the possible axisymmetric modes that propagate at low frequencies in buried, water-filled pipes is presented. It is well known that for a vacuum-pipe-vacuum system the sole non-torsional axisymmetric mode that exists at low frequencies is the fundamental L(0,1) mode. When a pipe is filled with water and still surrounded by a vacuum it is also known that another mode then appears which at low frequencies is characterized by predominantly axial water-borne displacements. In
more » ... ition to these modes. this paper explores two other, less well known axisymmetric modes whose exitence depends on the acoustic properties of the outer medium that surrounds a pipe. The predicted characteristics of these modes are presented and the likelihood of them propagating over any significant distance in a buried water pipe is discussed.
doi:10.9726/kspse.2013.17.1.036 fatcat:hlbvssefkrcbrlkt5wi2j2yuxa