Perceived Novelty Support and Psychological Needs Satisfaction in Physical Education

Sebastián Fierro-Suero, Bartolomé J. Almagro, Pedro Sáenz-López, José Carmona-Márquez
2020 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  
In recent years, novelty has been proposed as a potential fourth basic psychological need. In the present study, the behavior of novelty resulting from support from the Physical Education teacher was evaluated in 723 students with an average age of 13.30 years old. The first objective was to validate the Support for Basic Psychological Needs-4 (SBPN-4) in Physical Education questionnaire, which included support for the novelty factor. The second objective was to test the mediation model in
more » ... to confirm the effect of support for novelty in relation to basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation. The results obtained show that the Support for Basic Psychological Needs-4 (SBPN-4) questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool. On the other hand, support for novelty predicts satisfaction of basic psychological needs, particularly novelty satisfaction, which in turn predicts intrinsic motivation. These results show how the students are capable of perceiving the teacher's support for novelty and how this positively influences their intrinsic motivation. Further investigations are required to continue developing our knowledge of the role of novelty as a basic psychological need.
doi:10.3390/ijerph17114169 pmid:32545317 fatcat:aua47ppanfbwvcofud6bhexfrm