13: Direct Intra Bone Transplant of Unrelated Cord Blood Cells Is Associated with Fast and Complete Hematologic Recovery

A. Ibatici, A.M. Raiola, F. Gualandi, N. Sessarego, A. Parodi, S. Pozzi, M. Gobbi, M. Corselli, M. Podestà, G. Piaggio, A. Bacigalupo, F. Frassoni
2007 Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation  
therapeutics. We have attempted to define elements of a hematopoietic stem cell niche by focusing on the endosteal surface where some stem cells are known to localize in the adult mammal. Using genetic models altering features of the bone or the stem cell response to bone elements, we and others have begun to characterize components of the endosteal stem cell niche. The molecular interactions governing the effects of the niche provide potential targets for drug based therapies and some of these
more » ... can simply re-purpose existing compounds. Using PTH analogues developed for osteoporosis for example has been shown to alter the outcome of both stem cell harvesting and engraftment procedures in the mouse model. The application of these models to human trials has begun. Targeting the niche may modify the complex systems in which stem cells reside and provides a distinct therapeutic approach to stem cell based medicine.
doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2007.08.021 fatcat:fgx7ssmshbeezl6wgb76xwbvqm