Modeling of Antenna for Deep Target Hydrocarbon Exploration

Nadeem Nasir, Noorhana Yahya, Hasnah Zaid, Afza Shafie, Norhisham Hamid
2017 unpublished
Nowadays control source electromagnetic method is used for offshore hydrocarbon exploration. Hydrocarbon detection in sea bed logging (SBL) is a very challenging task for deep target hydrocarbon reservoir. Response of electromagnetic (EM) field from marine environment is very low and it is very difficult to predict deep target reservoir below 2km from the sea floor. This work premise deals with modeling of new antenna for deep water deep target hydrocarbon exploration. Conventional and new EM
more » ... tennas at 0.125Hz frequency are used in modeling for the detection of deep target hydrocarbon reservoir. The proposed area of the seabed model (40km´40km40km´40km´40km) was simulated by using CST (computer simulation technology) EM studio based on Finite Integration Method (FIM). Electromagnetic field components were compared at 500m target depth and it was concluded that Ex and Hz components shows better resistivity contrast. Comparison of conventional and new antenna for different target depths was done in our proposed model. From the results, it was observed that conventional antenna at 0.125Hz shows 70% ,86% resistivity contrast at target depth of 1000m where as new antenna showed 329%, 355% resistivity contrast at the same target depth for Ex and Hz field respectively. It was also investigated that at frequency of0.125Hz, new antenna gave 46% better delineation of hydrocarbon at 4000m target depth. This is due to focusing of electromagnetic waves by using new antenna. New antenna design gave 125% more extra depth than straight antenna for deep target hydrocarbon detection. Numerical modeling for straight and new antenna was also done to know general equation for electromagnetic field behavior with target depth. From this numerical model it was speculated that this new antenna can detect up to 4.5 km target depth. This new EM antenna may open new frontiers for oil and gas industry for the detection of deep target hydrocarbon reservoir (HC).