Health service accessibility and deaths from asthma

A. Jones
1999 International Journal of Epidemiology  
Results After controlling for confounding factors, there was a significant tendency for asthma mortality to increase with travel time to hospital, with a relative risk of 1.07 for each 10-minute increase in journey time (P = 0.04). There was no consistent trend for mortality to increase with travel time to general practitioner surgeries. Conclusions The results of this study support the conclusions of earlier work that inaccessibility of acute hospital services may increase the risk of asthma
more » ... rtality. The provision of good access to these facilities may be one factor in reducing the burden of avoidable deaths from asthma.
doi:10.1093/ije/28.1.101 pmid:10195672 fatcat:xtvgi4bembft7ndaurujjlx4wm