Identification of Intervention Gaps in Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs in Nigeria

Dave-Agboola Itunu Omolade
2018 Texila international journal of public health  
This study identified the intervention gaps in Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) Programs in Nigeria through a desk review of the ASRH program being implemented currently in Nigeria. Adolescent health is influenced by an intricate set of social and biological factors as adolescents discover their identities and their probability of risky behavior increases. Many young people experience their sexual debut at the adolescent stage and this sexual experience may result in adverse
more » ... roductive health outcomes. Quite a number of donor-funded Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs are currently being implemented in Nigeria to reduce the risk of unsafe sexual practices. However, some gaps have been identified in the program implementation approach. This paper highlights the major gaps in implementation of adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs in Nigeria identified through exploratory analysis and recommendations are proffered to bridge the gaps. rights and family life. The findings of this study will be shared with the policy makers, implementing partners and other stakeholders to enhance evidence-based planning of ASRH interventions and effective program delivery.
doi:10.21522/tijph.2013.06.04.art007 fatcat:v2bxftvd2bfrtc57pq7zvuykd4