The challenges of transportation/traffic statistics in Japan and directions for the future

Shigeru Kawasaki
2015 IATSS Research  
In order to respond to new challenges in transportation and traffic problems, it is essential to enhance statistics in this field that provides the basis for policy researches. Many of the statistics in this field in Japan consist of "official statistics" created by the government. This paper gives a review of the current status of transportation and traffic statistics (hereinafter called "transportation statistics" in short) in Japan. Furthermore, the paper discusses challenges in such
more » ... cs in the new environment and the direction that statistics that should take in the future. For Japan's transportation statistics to play vital roles in more sophisticated analyses, it is necessary to improve the environment that facilitates the use of microdata for analysis. It is also necessary to establish an environment where big data can be more easily used for compilation of official statistics and performing policy researches. To achieve this end, close cooperation among the government, academia, and businesses will be essential.
doi:10.1016/j.iatssr.2015.06.002 fatcat:w5j4ulkpsrcwjk4ptiotrato6i