Multiple semi-coarsened multigrid for 3D CFD

B. Koren, P. Hemker, C. Everaars, B. Koren, P. Hemker, C. Everaars
1997 13th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference   unpublished
A significant difficulty of standard multigrid methods for 3D problems, when compared to application to 2D problems, is that the requirements to be imposed on the smoother are much more severe. As a remedy, we investigate three different possibilities of multiple semi-coarsening: full, sparse and semi-sparse. Numerical results are presented for a standard 3D transonic test case. The good parallel computing properties of the sparse-grid and the semi-sparse-grid approaches are also investigated.
more » ... he first speed-up results are promising. The paper contributes to the state-of-the-art in efficiently solving 3D fluid-flow equations. • Member AIAA.
doi:10.2514/6.1997-2029 fatcat:mgzolglfbrdaljeve22ddcjmym