Performance Analysis of Alternate Repeaters for On-Chip Interconnections in Nanometer Technologies

S. Rajendar, P. Chandrasekhar, M. Asha Rani, R. Naresh
2015 Procedia Materials Science  
As the geometries of integrated circuits continue to shrink into the deep nanometer regime, the impact of on-chip interconnects is dominant on the overall system performance. This paper explores the power-delay trade-off in alternate repeater insertion techniques. The repeaters are placed along global on-chip interconnects to compensate the loss in the wires and to regenerate the signal strength. All the repeater insertion techniques with 3-pi RC distributed interconnect model are implemented
more » ... 45nm and 180nm technology with supply voltage operated at 1GHz. The performance metrics considered to compare the alternate repeated interconnects are power dissipation, propagation delay and power-delay-product (PDP).
doi:10.1016/j.mspro.2015.06.065 fatcat:3zfmxgefibfprehryl3aciustm