Known Content Network (CN) Request-Routing Mechanisms [report]

A. Barbir, B. Cain, R. Nair, O. Spatscheck
2003 Request for Comments  
This document presents a summary of Request-Routing techniques that are used to direct client requests to surrogates based on various policies and a possible set of metrics. The document covers techniques that were commonly used in the industry on or before December 2000. In this memo, the term Request-Routing represents techniques that is commonly called content routing or content redirection. In principle, Request-Routing techniques can be classified under: DNS Request-Routing,
more » ... Request-Routing, and Application-layer Request-Routing.
doi:10.17487/rfc3568 dblp:journals/rfc/rfc3568 fatcat:aoitra3sjbetrctplbqehobng4