A Qualitative Assessment of Gender Roles and Implications for Child Nutrition in Central Malawi [post]

Elizabeth Mkandawire, Clement Bisai, Elizabeth Dyke, Anne Dressel, Hazel Kantayeni, Billy Molosoni, Peninnah M Kako, Kaboni Gondwe, Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu
2021 unpublished
Child malnutrition persists globally. While progress in reducing stunting has been witnessed over the last six years, this progress is not sufficient to meet Sustainable Development Goal targets on stunting. In Africa, child malnutrition is estimated to result in between 1.6 to 16% losses in gross domestic product. Undernutrition is also attributed as a cause of death for 11% of African children aged five years and below. Men and women play distinct roles in supporting a child's nutrition.
more » ... frequently carry the bulk of the workload related to food, care, and health, all of which are critical factors in child nutrition. Using focus group discussions and individual interviews with communities in rural Central Malawi, we sought to understand the roles played by men and women in achieving child nutrition in this qualitative study. We found that both men and women were involved in productive, reproductive, and community work. However, consistent with the literature, women carried a disproportionate workload in supporting child nutrition compared to men. Women's heavier workloads often prevented them from being able to meet children's food needs. Nevertheless, shifts in gender roles were observed in some of the sampled communities, with men taking up responsibilities that have been typically associated with women. This undoing of gender roles did not necessarily increase women's power within the household. Improving gender equality and child nutrition will require efforts to redistribute gendered work and encourage men to move towards shared power over household decision-making and control over income with women.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1026200/v1 fatcat:tcosap3m4rcy5j5y4v2hehmbt4