Characterization of an Upstream Activation Sequence and Two Rox1p-responsive Sites Controlling the Induction of the YeastHEM13Gene by Oxygen and Heme Deficiency

Jean-Michel Amillet, Nicole Buisson, Rosine Labbe-Bois
1996 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae HEM13 gene codes for coproporphyrinogen oxidase, an oxygen-requiring enzyme catalyzing the sixth step of heme biosynthesis. Its transcription has been shown to be induced 40 -50-fold in response to oxygen or heme deficiency, in part through relief of repression exerted by Rox1p and in part by activation mediated by an upstream activation sequence (UAS). This report describes an analysis of HEM13 UAS and of the Rox1p-responsive sites by electrophoretic mobility shift
more » ... assays, DNase I footprinting, and mutational mapping. HEM13 UAS is composed of two subelements: a 16-base pair sequence binding a constitutive factor acting as a transcriptional activator, and a 5-flanking 20-base pair GC-rich region. Both subelements were required additively for transcription, but each element alone was sufficient for almost normal control by oxygen/heme deficiency. Mutations in both elements decreased the induction ratio 3-4-fold. HEM13 UAS conferred a 2-4-fold oxygen/heme control on a heterologous reporter gene. Two Rox1p-responsive sites, R1 and R3, were identified, which accounted for the 6 -7-fold repression by Rox1p. A factor bound to a sequence close to site R3. This DNA-binding activity was only detected in protein extracts of aerobic heme-sufficient ROX1 TUP1 cells, suggesting a possible role in site R3 function.
doi:10.1074/jbc.271.40.24425 pmid:8798700 fatcat:nflziv72lnaitft3rhlvlbxcsm