The Studyof Relationship between the Knowledge Management Processes with Time Management of School Administrators in Mazandaran Province

Fereshteh Chari Seresty
2014 Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review  
In the era of communicative technology and information, science is considered as the importance ofessential and vital source of competitive organizations for achieving sustained competitive advantage. Synchronized with the rotation of the industry-based economy to a knowledge-based economy organizations also have to rely on its own knowledge and use it to increase their competitiveness in the business process. This study of research is examined the relationship between knowledge management
more » ... sses with time management school Administrators in Mazandaranprovince. This is a descriptive research and correlation method. The studies of samples are included 617 people who are all school managers in Mazandaranprovince. Sample size determinations were performed by using; accordinglyKerjesyand Morgan's tables, the number of 238 randomly were selected. Data collection methods questionnaire with 23 questions , knowledge management and time management questionnaire contains 50 questions that the questionnaire were taken from Poorazizy and co-worker questions (1390 ), and were answered by managers . Content validities of the questionnaires were confirmed by experts and the reliability coefficient using Cronbach's alpha for each scale respectivelyo.85 and o.86. The data collected were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient .The results of these calculations are shown that between knowledge creation, sharing and usageof knowledge with time management, there is a significant relationship. But between knowledge acquisition and storage of knowledge, there is no significant relationship with timemanagement.
doi:10.12816/0018662 fatcat:5xhxl3myivff3nfz4wfcsehddu