Preeti Sharma, Pradeep Kumar, Rachna Sharma
2017 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research  
One of the important components of the immune system, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules allow T-lymphocytes to detect cells, such as macrophages, B-lymphocytes, and dendritic cells that ingest infectious microorganisms or the self-cells infected with microorganism. On being engulfed a microorganism, macrophage partially digests it and displays peptide fragments of the microbe on its surface, bound to MHC molecules and the T-lymphocyte recognizes the foreign fragment attached
more » ... o the MHC molecule and binds to it, lead to stimulation of an immune response. The MHC molecule presents peptides from its own cell (self-peptides) in healthy self-cells to which T-cells do not normally react.Keywords: MHC, B Cells, T Cells, Antigen Processing.
doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2017.v10i2.15555 fatcat:lgkjuw4rrfepji2fzo4g53ccdm