Ab initio calculations for non-strange and strange few-baryon systems

Winfried Leidemann
2018 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Concerning the non-strange particle systems the low-energy excitation spectra of the three- and four-body helium isotopes are studied. Objects of the study are the astrophysical S-factor S_12 of the radiative proton deuteron capture d(p,γ)^3He and the width of the ^4He isoscalar monopole resonance.Both observables are calculated using the Lorentz integral transform (LIT) method. The LIT equations are solved via expansions of the LIT states on a specifically modified hyperspherical harmonics
more » ... basis. It is illustrated that at low energies such a modification allows to work with much higher LIT resolutions than with an unmodified HH basis. It is discussed that this opens up the possibility to determine astrophysical S-factors as well as the width of low-lying resonances with the LIT method. In the sector of strange baryon systems binding energies of the hypernucleus ^3_ΛH are calculated using a nonsymmetrized HH basis. The results are compared with those calculated by various other groups with different methods. For all the considered non-strange and strange baryon systems it is shown that high-precision results are obtained.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/981/1/012018 fatcat:5c3bb6rtn5hvvfvd2bssp5ainq