Analysis of Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Field for Shellfish Precooking Processing Machine

Xindan Zhang
2017 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications  
A new type of shellfish precooking processing machine is designed. The corresponding three-dimensional solid model are constructed by use of SOLWORKS. It also introduces basic structure and working principle of shellfish precooking machine. Solid-liquid two-phase flow field for shellfish precooking processing machine is simulated by ANSYS FLUENT 15.0, which simulated the distribution of liquid flow and volume fraction of solid in the pot. The reasons of flow field distribution and the solid
more » ... icle volume fraction of the liquid phase flow in the vertical and horizontal planes were analyzed under different mixing speeds. The results show that the solid-liquid two-phase flow field distribution is reasonable and turbulent region can be formed in the pot. The distribution of flow field and the texture properties of abalone were compared at three different speeds, and the more reasonable mixing speed was determined. The results of the analysis provide references for the optimization of mixer in the future.
doi:10.11648/j.ijmea.20170501.13 fatcat:mgoy24zfqvalbo5w26v3dwgrhu