Walikan in the Linguistic Landscape of Malang: The Rise of a Local Youth Language

Nurenzia Yannuar, Yusnita Febrianti
2021 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
Walikan, spoken in Malang, Indonesia, is used among the youth to articulate a shared identity. This paper aims to investigate the role of Walikan in the linguistic landscape of Malang through semiotic modes analysis. Our data include Walikan signage in the city of Malang, mainly in the form of business signs, advertising boards, footballrelated banners, posters, landmarks, and graffiti. The analysis focuses on the text and images used in the signs. We study the content message and draw
more » ... ation on two aspects: the motivation of why these messages are written in Walikan and the predicted impact on the recipients of the messages. The results of the study show that Indonesia's urban linguistic landscape does not have to be monolingual, it can also include local linguistic features. The paper also nudges on the use of the iconic blue colour, the colour of the city's football club, that is used in the signs. It is presumed that the iconic blue colour functions as a cohesive tie [1] and as the regional identity colour reflecting the pride of the local youths in Malang
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.211226.016 fatcat:iojwkrtrijfjxixwupchz5luf4