Aprendizado de Geometria Analítica e Álgebra Linear Utilizando um Software Gráfico via Internet

Igor R. Lima, Maria do Carmo P. de T. Costa, Heitor A. X. Costa
2008 Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems  
The computational tools, including educational software and hypertext documents, allow the teaching of mathematics so innovative, strengthening the role of graphic language. Therefore, it is another way to seek and facilitate the construction of knowledge, more autonomous and independent, and, by using the computer, especially with exploratory tools; some approximation of concrete materials is possible. This work proposes the TBC-GAAL/WEB, educational software, to be used in disciplines of
more » ... tical Geometry and Linear Algebra; as possible use it through the Web, its spread is high, not being restricted to the site of their development.
doi:10.5753/sbsi.2008.5916 dblp:conf/sbsi/LimaCC08 fatcat:ckcpvztagzhddn3ffifdbkqcrq