Characteristics of Choroideremia in Different Imaging Modalities: Case Report

Heinelly Ogando Adames
2020 Acta Scientific Ophthalmology  
The deterioration in visual acuity manifests in mid-adulthood, presenting nictalopia, tubular vision. Clinical Case: Male 68 years of age who presents for presenting nictalopia, decreased visual acuity of 6 months of evolution, fundus is performed by pharmacological dilatation observing findings suggestive of choroideremia, so it is confirmed by imaging modalities Conclusion: The imaging modalities allow the early and accurate diagnosis of choroideremia to be established, thus reducing the cost
more » ... of genetic testing without detracting from the value of the same, provided that it is possible to perform them.
doi:10.31080/asop.2020.03.0093 fatcat:35soerq3ybftpayij34o2xkowe