Perturbation Formula for the Internal Resonances of a Dielectric Object Embedded in a Low-Impedance Medium [report]

George W. Hanson, Carl E. Baum
1996 unpublished
A simple perturbation formula is presented for characterizing the natural frequencies of a dielectric object embedded in an isotropic, homogeneous medium of low wave impedance. For this situation the natural frequencies of the object can be obtained from the interior "cavity" resonances of the same object when immersed in a perfect conductor. Since the cavity modes are assumed to be known or easily measurable for a given body of interest, the presented formulation allows determination of an
more » ... ct's natural frequencies when it is embedded in any external medium of sufficiently low wave impedance. Considering that knowledge of an object's natural resonances can be used in a target identification scheme, the perturbation technique described here may be useful in the development of technologies to identify buried dielectric targets under appropriate soil conditions. f-DISTRIBÜpD?] £TJvnsKJrr_A Approved for pu'Mi-rolcaüa; Distribution Unlimited 19980602 001 Acknowledgement • GWH would like to thank the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for sponsoring his stay at Phillips Laboratory. OTIC QUALITY UrSTECTUD C
doi:10.21236/ada345494 fatcat:xxcn56uw5fhobcomddbzqcfm3y