Ion-ion coincidence imaging at high event rate using an in-vacuum pixel detector [article]

Jingming Long, Federico J. Furch, Judith Durá, Anton S. Tremsin, John Vallerga, Claus Peter Schulz, Arnaud Rouzée, Marc J. J. Vrakking, Universitätsbibliothek Der FU Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek Der FU Berlin
A new ion-ion coincidence imaging spectrometer based on a pixelated complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor detector has been developed for the investigation of molecular ionization and fragmentation processes in strong laser fields. Used as a part of a velocity map imaging spectrometer, the detection system is comprised of a set of microchannel plates and a Timepix detector. A fast time-to-digital converter (TDC) is used to enhance the ion time-of-flight resolution by correlating timestamps
more » ... istered separately by the Timepix detector and the TDC. In addition, sub-pixel spatial resolution (<6 μm) is achieved by the use of a center-of-mass centroiding algorithm. This performance is achieved while retaining a high event rate (104 per s). The spectrometer was characterized and used in a proof-of-principle experiment on strong field dissociative double ionization of carbon dioxide molecules (CO2), using a 400 kHz repetition rate laser system. The experimental results demonstrate that the spectrometer can detect multiple ions in coincidence, making it a valuable tool for studying the fragmentation dynamics of molecules in strong laser fields.
doi:10.17169/refubium-23552 fatcat:omvamxwk6fdnlizdciscujb5iu