Impacts of Dynamic Marketing Capabilities on Performance in Exporting

Yung-Chul Kwon
2021 Open Journal of Business and Management  
The purpose of this paper is to construct the operationalization of dynamic marketing capabilities and analyze its effectiveness in overseas market. The author examines the impacts of dynamic marketing capabilities on performance based upon the sample of 180 export companies in Korea. The findings reveal that dynamic marketing capabilities such as "market responding capabilities" and "marketing resource rebuilding capabilities" have significant impacts on performance in exporting. The result
more » ... ifies the effectiveness of dynamic marketing capabilities in performance. It is necessary for firms to build dynamic marketing capabilities to achieve the desired performance, especially in the overseas market, where the market environment is completely different. Even though this study attempts to shed new light on theory of dynamic capabilities from a marketing perspective, there is a need for continuous discussions and research around the conceptualization and operationalization of dynamic marketing capabilities.
doi:10.4236/ojbm.2021.95112 fatcat:ljzt5e4r3vhdnn6e2ataohs4pe