Cultivation of "Roxo de Valinhos" Fig Tree in Different Plant Densities for Production of Green Figs for Industry in the Region of Campo Das Vertentes-MG

Paulo Márcio Norberto, Ângelo Albérico Alvarenga, José Clelio de Andrade, Filipe Almendagna Rodrigues, Lair Victor Pereira, Emerson Dias Gonçalves
2018 Agricultural Sciences  
The objective of this work was to study the effect of different planting densities on the development and production of "Roxo de Valinhos" green figs for industry, in the Campo das Vertentes-MG region. The experiment was installed at the Risoleta Neves Experimental Field-CERN/EPAMIG. The plants used were three years old and were arranged in three randomized blocks, subject to three different planting densities, with spacings ranging from 1 m (4000 plants•ha −1 ), 1.5 m (2666 plants•ha −1 ), and
more » ... 2 m (2000 plants•ha −1 ) between plants in the planting line and 2.5 m between row for all planting densities. The average length of the branches (m), average number of fruits per branch, average number of fruits per plant, average weight of fruits, average yield per plant and the average yield per hectare (kg) were evaluated. It was verified that, there were no significant differences in the length of branch and in the average weight of fruit, in the three densities of fig tree planting. (4000 plants•ha −1 ), the average number of fruits per branch (7.5), per plant (55.87) and yield per plant (878.93 kg) were lower, however. The average yield per hectare (3515.73 kg) was higher than in other growing densities. It is concluded that, the higher density of plants (4000 plants•ha −1 ), provides the highest productivity per area, without damages to the quality of the fruits.
doi:10.4236/as.2018.99076 fatcat:xumwabuuwrhsxp6o4yjq3izekm