A Method of Ashing Organic Materials for the Determination of Potassium

P. L. Blumenthal, A. M. Peter, D. J. Healy, E. J. Gott
1917 Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry  
INTRODUCTORY 1 "Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie," German Edition, 1 (1851), 2 J . A m . Chem. SOC., 19 (1897), 155-6. method herein explained was developed with a view to removing all the organic matter at one heating, even at the risk of losing a trace of potassium by volatilization. 2 This material was examined by a hand lens until the operator was so familiar with the appearance of a clean precipitate as to render use of a glass unnecessary.
doi:10.1021/ie50092a017 fatcat:iejubzo3vjablc44l5mdet73v4