Intramedullary nail in the treatment of pertrochanteric fractures in elderly patients

Gabriele Falzarano, Antonio Medici, Predrag Grubor, Milan Grubor, Elizabeth Barron, Arianna Falzarano, Stefano Viglione, Francesco Ascione, Raffaele Franzese, Giacomo Errico, Luigi Meccariello
2015 Acta chirurgica iugoslavica  
In tro duc tion. Intramedullary nail is an im por tant com po nent of mod ern treat ment of pertrochanteric fe mur frac tures. Ob jec tive. In el derly pop u la tion, pertrochanteric frac tures treated with unreamed intramedullary nails cause less deep in fec tions when com pared to reamed intramedullary nails. Pa tients and Meth ods. From April, 2010 to May, 2012 at the De part ment of Or tho pe dics and Traumatology, Gaetano Rummo Hos pi tal (Benevento, It aly), 156 pa tients with
more » ... ric frac ture, av er age age 82.7 years (75-102 years), were treated. In the an a lyzed case, there were 90 fe males and 66 males with pertrochanteric fractures. The re spon dents were di vided into two groups. The first group con sisted of 78 re spon dents who were treated with reamed intramedullary nails and the second group of 78 re spon dents treated with unreamed intramedullary nails. Dis cus sion. In fec tions are not the most com mon post op er a tive com pli ca tions. The risk of in fec tion is in creased in pa tients with comorbidity and in cases when there is an empty space be tween the intramedullary nail fix a tion and bone. Prox i mal fem o ral frac tures carry a high mor tality, but its causes are un clear. Con clu sion. Our research has shown that the ap pli ca tion of unreamed intramedullary nails in the treat ment of pertrochanteric fem o ral frac tures re duces a mor tal ity risk and risk of infection.
doi:10.2298/aci1501039f fatcat:dbmxgro2xnh2dopocio75pnzra