The Russian manor interior in the context of the West-and-East

Natalia Bondarenko
2014 Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Intercultural Communication   unpublished
This article presents the particular characteristics of the Russian manor culture sprang up in the latter half of the 18 th century. It states that the phenomena of the Russian manor is that it represented a whole world -a «microcosm», uniting within itself a house, a garden, a forest and a man. The most of the focus is posed on the country house interior, with the descriptions of the principal rooms of the manor: man's study, drawing room, woman's cabinet, portrait room, demonstrating the mix
more » ... f the traditions of West and East. The article shows that that peculiarity of the Russian culture consisted in its particular sensibility to foreign influences. Through their creative conversion of the achievements of the West and East, on the one hand, and relying upon the domestic traditions, on the other, the artists composed inimitable examples of interiors and decors.
doi:10.2991/icelaic-14.2014.183 fatcat:kg4vkwildjcmjdj2wywp7v5sgu