The Influence of Maternal Loss on Young Women's Experience of Identity Development in Emerging Adulthood

Lara E. Schultz
2007 Death Studies  
The purpose qf this phenomenological study was to explore the influence of maternal loss during adolescence on identity development in young women. Six women, aged 18-25> who had experienced the death of their mothers, between the ages of 15-20, participated in interviews. Transcripts of interviews were analyzed and summarized under the following two aspects of the experience: Experience of Maternal Loss, and Influence of Maternal Loss on Identity Development. There were a total of fourteen
more » ... gent theme clusters. The following three over-arching metathemes were found across the participants' interviews, which describe the participants' perceptions of how the death of their mothers has influenced
doi:10.1080/07481180600925401 pmid:17131560 fatcat:bkk7t3ohynhwdpx7xtmptvgoru