Assessment of Threats to Survival of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Stubbs Creek Forest Reserve, Akwa Ibom State

Nsikak E. Umoren, Gordian C. Obute, Kingsley O. E. Ukaegbu
2020 Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry  
Different climes are endowed with a myriad of biodiversity resources, ecosystem services and functions suited to sustenance of lives and providing assorted raw materials for sustainable development if effectively managed. There is global outcry about disappearing biodiversity and mismanaged fragile ecosystems. Human endeavours are strongly implicated in the resulting distorted ecological balance. This study therefore sets out to examine the cause and effects of the declining singular gazetted
more » ... rest reserve in Akwa Ibom State, the Stubbs Creek Forest Reserve (SCFR). Threats to survival of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) were studied qualitatively (a combination of field observation and engagement with key stakeholders of SCFR). Community forest occupational user-groups, corporate players and the public sector were engaged. Outcomes of the study suggest that among other factors, institutional weakness and unsustainable consumption patterns may be of primary concern in tackling further degradation. A quick concerted intervention is required to reposition SCFR for alignment with global sustainable development goal 15, ecosystem restoration and climate change adaptation.
doi:10.9734/ajraf/2020/v6i330106 fatcat:fhfdyduz3rc27egjlbdqbkooye