The discontinuous conduction mode Sepic and Cuk power factor preregulators: analysis and design

D.S.L. Simonetti, J. Sebastion, J. Uceda
1997 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print)  
Sepic andĆuk converters working as power factor preregulators (PFP) in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) present the following desirable characteristics for a PFP: 1) the converter works as a voltage follower (no current loop is needed); 2) theoretical power factor is unity; and 3) the input current ripple is defined at the design stage. Besides, input-output galvanic isolation is easily obtained. This paper analyzes the operation of both converters as DCM-PFP. Design equations are derived,
more » ... well as a small-signal model to aid the control loop design. Both simulation and experimental results are presented that are in agreement with the theoretical analysis and complement the work. Index Terms-AC-DC power conversion, filtering, power supplies. NOMENCLATURE Freewheeling current. and currents. Conduction parameter; critical conduction parameter. Output-to-peak-input ratio; transformer turn ratio. ON time of the output diode ( ); ON time of the switch ( ). OFF time of both switch and output diode. Switching period. Input voltage and current; rectified input voltage and current. Ouput voltage and current.
doi:10.1109/41.633459 fatcat:nf7cixn36vhkdm2dpzpjwaeqce