The Intention Research on Sports Leisure Behavior of Wuhan Citizens

Yuguang Zhu
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2018)   unpublished
In five thousand years of history, the society is constantly making progress. Particularly, after entering 21st century, economy is dramatically improving, and incomes and spare time are constantly improving, and people's thought is improved to a realm and requirements of life quality are also improved. People look for leisure activities to realize self-development and release pressure, while satisfying material demands. Since then, SL is developed and favored by people. Developed leisure
more » ... ainment in Wuhan is powerful, its development is not ideal. Therefore, this thesis tries to discuss influence factors of urban residents' SL behavior intention, reveals SL behavior intention and promotes SL development in Wuhan.
doi:10.2991/essd-18.2018.63 fatcat:k7yznhtr6rezljvgxzyoayekpi