Fraud Patterns Classification: A study of Fraud in business Process of Indonesian Online Sales Transaction

Solichul Huda, Aripin, Mohammad Farid Naufal, Vanny Martianova Yudianingtias, Anisti
2020 2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology (MECnIT)  
Fraud detection has become an important research topic in recent years. In online sales transaction, fraud can occur on a business process. Fraud which occurs on business process is popularly known as process-based fraud (PBF). Previous studies have proposed PBF detection on process business model, however, false decisions are still often made because of new fraud pattern in online sales transactions. False decision mostly occurs since the method cannot identify the attributes of fraud in
more » ... sales transaction. This research proposes new fraud attributes and fraud patterns in online transactions. The attributes can be identified by exploring the event logs and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of online sales transactions. First, this is conducted by collecting event logs and creating SOP of online sales transaction; then, performing conformance between event logs and SOP; further, discussing with fraud experts about the result of SOP deviations which have been identified; moreover, determining convention value of the SOP deviation to fuzzy value, and classifying the SOP deviation; and at last, establishing fraud attributes and fraud patterns based on classification result. The new fraud attribute and fraud patterns are expected to increase accuracy of fraud detection in online sales transaction. Based on the evaluation, this method resulted a better accuracy 0.03 than the previous one. Abstract (1029 Kb) Abstract (756 Kb) Abstract (1765 Kb) Abstract (1016 Kb) Abstract (988 Kb) Abstract (1592 Kb) Abstract (1350 Kb) Abstract (758 Kb) Abstract (2076 Kb) Abstract (1134 Kb) Abstract (1132 Kb) Abstract (569 Kb) Abstract (1267 Kb) Abstract (597 Kb) Abstract (1145 Kb) Abstract (819 Kb) Abstract (751 Kb) Abstract (1218 Kb) Abstract (1789 Kb)
doi:10.1109/mecnit48290.2020.9166644 fatcat:3ia7smxekzgjhjoh5hejskujbm